QuickBooks Error 16389 [Troubleshooting Solutions]


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We have all come across errors while working with QuickBooks. These errors are exasperating that causes work trouble along with certain other damages. One such error is QuickBooks error 16389 that creates havoc when triggered. 

QuickBooks is a widely used accounting software. With its amazing features and budgeted price, it never fails to deliver what it promises. Most of the businesses use it for budgeting and payroll purposes. However when QuickBooks error 16389 arises, it hampers with payroll taxes updating. Also every other feature that is either directly or indirectly related to payroll is blocked, ergo, errors cause a lot of trouble. 

In this article, we have assembled every piece of information that you need to know about QuickBooks error 16389. So, without further ado, let’s get started.

Overview Of QuickBooks Error 16389

When we use QuickBooks’ payroll feature, we come across all different types of QuickBooks error codes. These errors can arise due to a minor bug or misconfigured settings. The payrolls errors are generic and we as users face it in our routine tasks.

One such error we come across is QuickBooks error 16389 while updating payroll taxes. If you are using a payroll account you must be well aware that these accounts calculate fair compensation for employees with all additions and deductions involved. Some deductions are the taxes on the salaries of employees.

When the user updates the taxes on payroll, QuickBooks error code 16389 pops right on their screen and before you know it all functions related to payroll are blocked. This means, you will not be able to use payroll features or anything of that field until you resolve this error.

Trigger Points of QuickBooks Error 16389

When a 16389 error in QuickBooks arises, it puts an abrupt stop to the work. This error asks for an immediate solution. But before that, we must know what QuickBooks error 16389 is triggered by. Why? So that you can directly resolve it from the source. This means, without using hit and trial methods and applying all solutions. You can jump on to the specific solution that would work best as per the root of the error.

Administration command and prompt

  • Windows components are corrupted or damaged.
  • QBs files are missing.
  • Auto-update of QuickBooks is off and you haven’t updated it manually. Therefore, you’re using an outdated version.
  • The third party attacks, probably malicious, on your system.
  • The QuickBooks error 16389 can arise when QuickBooks is not properly downloaded.

Symptoms of QuickBooks Error 16389  

Your system starts showing you warning signs when QuickBooks error code 16389 flashes. The purpose of these symptoms is to express the fatality of the error and indicate that you need to eliminate it before you cannot.

  • Computer system crashes every now and then.
  • All features of payroll are blocked.
  • QuickBooks freezes or shuts down whenever you try to use it.
  • You will not be able to update payroll taxes.
  • QuickBooks error 16389 flashes on the screen.
  • System is irresponsive of inputs.

Easy Solutions To Fix QuickBooks Error 16389

Finally after getting to learn the warning signs and causes for QuickBooks error code 16389, we can start to resolve this troublemaker. If you follow these solutions carefully. 16389 error in QuickBooks will be resolved in no time.

But before that back-up your data in case of any mishaps during troubleshooting.

  • Open your QBs application.
  • Go it file >> backup >> local backup.

Create backup of your data

  • Now choose the location where you want to store the backed up data.
  • Hit Okay >> Next.
  • Wait for the backup process to complete and hit finish.
  • Your backup data will be stored to the selected location.
  • Now tap on get updates. Let the updates be downloaded.

Solution 1: Update Your Internet Settings

One major reason why you keep seeing QuickBooks error 16389 can be your internet settings. When your internet has misconfigured settings it may not allow the updating process to go through. Follow the steps below to update internet settings:

  • Open your browser and in the top corner look for a gear icon.
  • Click on it to open settings and tap on advanced settings.
  • Click on security tab and tick the following checkboxes: SSL 2.0 , SSL 3.0., TLS 1.2.

Internet Settings

  • Untick these: TLS 1.0, TLS 1.1.
  • Now, go to Lan settings and set it on auto-detect.
  • Verify the date and time according to your own time zone.

Solution 2: Fix this error with QuickBooks tool hub

QuickBooks tool hub is an application that scans and figures out damages to any file and resolves it within a few clicks. 

Use QuickBooks Tool Hub

  • Click on Quick fix my file and hit okay.

Alternatively, use QuickBooks file doctor.

  • Open QuickBooks tool hub and go to company file issues.
  • Click on QuickBooks file doctor and wait for it to open.(In case file doctor doesn’t open, manually run it)
  • Now, look for your company file and select it.
  • Tap on check your file >> continue >> Enter Password >> Next.
  • The tool will scan and fix your issue. 

Solution 3: Update QBs To The Latest Version

When you use an outdated version of software, it tends to give rise to various errors, for instance, QuickBooks error code 16389. Update QuickBooks to resolve the error occurring due to an outdated version:

  • Open QuickBooks and go to the file menu.
  • Look for the update QuickBooks option and open it.
  • Here, tap on update now

Update QBs To The Latest Version

  • You’ll need to reset the updates by hitting the reset updates. 

Solution 4: Close QuickBooks Web Connector

A QBWebconnector.exe file is a very important component of QuickBooks. It helps enable all web services. However, when it is being used for long enough, it catches minor bugs or works a little differently that might be causing 16389 error in QuickBooks. Follow these steps to rectify:

  • Press Ctrl + alt + delete key together to open task manager.
  • Now Go to the processes tab.
  • Locate the QBWebconnector.exe file and click right on it.
  • Now hit end process.
Read More - How to Install QuickBooks Web Connector?


As of now, with the help of the above mentioned solutions your QuickBooks error 16389 should be resolved. If not, we recommend you to contact our customer support team. All you have to do is ping us and let your issue in our hands. We’ll take care of all your concerns without any delay.

Frequently Asked Questions

Social Security is financial care and Medicare is health insurance. It is a feature of payroll accounting in QuickBooks. However, QuickBooks can fail to calculate Social Security and Medicare because of:

  • Inactive employee YTD.
  • The tax table version is not correct.
  • Poor internet connection.
  • Outdated QuickBooks version

In order to get rid of overdue payroll liabilities in QuickBooks follow below:

  • Open QuickBooks and go to the employees tab.
  • Select payroll center >> transactions.
  • Go to liability checks.
  • Now, click twice on the liability check and select the period for which overdue liability you want to get rid of.
  • Finally, click on edit date and set the date so that it’s either on the paid through period or after.

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