Printing the payroll stubs in QuickBooks is easy. It is a stepwise process to print payroll stubs in QuickBooks. The payroll stubs features enable you to send the stubs through email to your customer and vendors. Payroll stubs are used to keep a track of all the transactions that you have made with the details of the payment. You will get a payroll stub in a pdf format which is protected by the password. In this article, we are going to explain to you how you can print payroll stubs in QuickBooks in simple steps. Different methods in which you can print payroll stubs have been mentioned in the article with their relative steps that you need to follow. Read the article till the end.

Print Payroll Stubs for the Online Version of QuickBooks
If you are using an online version of QuickBooks, you can print payroll stubs by following the steps mentioned below:
- Setting up QuickBooks Payroll preferences is the first step.
- For this, you will have to go to the settings.
- After this, you will be required to choose the printing preference and make sure you choose an option for the plain paper.
- Save preferences.
- The next step is to print payroll stubs.
- You are required to choose the employee for whom you want to print payroll stubs.
- Next, you will be required to print payroll stubs by selecting the paycheck that you want to pay.
Ways to Print Payroll Stubs in QuickBooks
Here is a list of all the different ways in which you can print payroll stubs in QuickBooks. You can choose the one which is best suited for you.
Print Payroll Stubs with Paycheck List
The first method in the list is to print the payroll stubs using the paycheck list. Follow the steps mentioned below:
- The first step is to go to the employee option and look for the employee whom you want to pay.
- After this, you are required to click on the employee to whom you want to make the transaction.
- The next step is to go to the paycheck option.
- There you will be required to look for the checks that you need to pay.
- Once found, you are required to pay the check using the batch action.
- After paying, you will see a command to print payroll stubs.
- Click on the print.
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Print Using Bill Payment Stub
The next method in which you can print payroll stubs is by using the bill payment stub. Follow the steps mentioned below:
- The first step is to go to the file option and then look for the print option. There you will find an option for the bill stubs.
- The next step is to make the bill payment. You will be required to select the type of payment that you are going to make.
- Next, you will be required to choose the bank or the credit card number.
- Next, you will be required to select the range of dates within which you are going to make payments.
- The next step is to select the checks for which you are going to make the bill stubs.
- Lastly, you will be required to press the submit option and print the bill payment stubs.
Use the File Menu in QuickBooks Desktop
The next recommended solution is to use the file menu in the QuickBooks desktop. Follow the steps mentioned below:

- The first step in this process is to visit the file menu and look for the option to print stubs.
- Next, you will have to enter the payroll account and choose the dates between which you are going to print payroll stubs.
- Now, the next step is to look for the employee that you are going to make the payment.
- Next, you can see a preview of the stub if you want to be sure from the preview option.
- After this, you will have to select the preference according to the employee and the company.
- Once you are done with this, you will be required to go to the print option.
- In case you want to convey a message with the payments, you add a global message or an individual message.
- Once you are done with the printing, you can go to the help section to gather details of the printed stubs.
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Use the Paycheck to Print Payroll Stubs
The next recommended method is to use the paycheck to print payroll stubs. Follow the steps mentioned below:
- The first step is to go to the paycheck option in QuickBooks.
- The next step is to go to the print option and print payroll stubs.
- Choose the payroll stub that you want to print.
Use Voucher Printing
The last recommended method is to use voucher printing for printing payroll stubs. Follow the steps mentioned below:
- Go to the QuickBooks software and go to the menu option.
- The next option is to select a preference.
- After this, you will be required to choose the option for the payroll.
- Now, you will be required to go to the preference of the company and then choose an option for the full payroll feature.
- Now, you will be required to choose the option for paying the stub and print it using the voucher print.
- Next, you will have to choose the company for which you are going to make a payroll.
- After this, print payroll stubs.
These were all the methods using which you can print the payroll stubs in QuickBooks. We hope that the methods mentioned above benefited you with printing the payroll stubs in QuickBooks. If you are facing any issues while printing the payroll stubs, call our technical team and get aid for your issues.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q1. Does QuickBooks offer pay stubs?
Yes, QuickBooks does offer pay stubs. To access this, first, you need to select your paycheck, and then select the date.
Q2. How do I save pay stubs as a PDF in QuickBooks?
For this, you just need to go to files and then go to the pay stub that you want to save as PDF. Right click on that pay stub and then select “Save as PDF”.
Q3. Does QuickBooks track payroll?
Yes, QuickBooks track payroll. Moreover, after a certain time, you can also create an automated payroll for regular employees who work for the same amount of time daily.